We want to make your experience as smooth as possible,
here are some guidelines for supplying press-ready artwork files.
Please read this guide before submitting your artwork, as it may help you save valuable time and avoid any unnecessary delays or costs.
Double check your artwork, you won’t regret it! We will not held liable for any errors contained in the final product after the final proof has been approved. We process many orders daily and do not run spell checks. Instead, our main focus is making sure all artwork including yours is press-ready for commercial print and ready to look its best.
Review your work for
- Spelling errors
- Punctuation
- Grammar
- Numbers & Contact Details
- Proportions
- Layout & Design
Any files supplied as print-ready artwork should be provided as high resolution PDF files.
We can also accept raw working files from professional design applications such as Adobe Illustrator and InDesign – but ultimately all orders are processed as PDF’s and will help for more efficient processing and ensuring no elements have dropped out.
Photoshop is only recommended to edit and manipulate images as text will not appear as sharp.
Please note, although we can accept Microsoft Word, Excel, Publisher and Powerpoint files, these will not be considered press-ready files suitable for commercial printing. The file might print as expected, but we may encounter formatting/ font issues, and other issues that may not be seen. We also cannot guarantee the output quality from these programs. If there are any additional fees resulting from artwork created using these programs, you will be notified prior to production.
Multi-page PDF
If your document consists of more than one page, they will need to be sent 1up. For example, a 12 page self cover booklet would be supplied as a 12 page PDF (Page 1 being the front cover, Page 12 being back cover).
The supply of low-resolution images is a common problem and can lead to disappointment.
The internet allows access to unlimited images at your fingertips. However, most images on the internet are not actually suitable for print! Web images are usually 72dpi, but for the best print results, images need to be supplied at 300dpi at actual or final output size (meaning for an A4 print, the resolution needs to be 300dpi at A4 size, not a 148mm x 210mm image increased to A4 which effectively reduces the resolution down to 150dpi). If it looks pixelated on your screen, then it will surely print pixelated too. When possible, use vector images to achieve the best print quality.

When possible, use vector images to achieve the best print quality. Raster images are composed of pixels, while vector images are made of paths and mathematical formulas. This allows the image to retain its quality even when scaled up or down.

Incorrect setup or not including bleed is a common prepress issue.
When an image or graphic element run off the edges of your print, the image needs to extend at lease 3mm (or 5mm for booklets) outside the trim lines. It is impossible for the trim to be at the exact location on every print – bleed is important as it prevents any white showing after is trimming.
In saying that, borders on artwork should be avoided. If borders are a must, we recommend no less that 5mm from the edges.

Safety Margins
Any important artwork or text (logos, headings, text, etc.) needs to be 5mm away from the trim lines or risk being trimmed in the cutting process.
For booklets, the margins can get complicated depending on page number, paper stock, binding type, etc. but as a rule of thumb keep important elements 10-12mm from the edges.
Files and images must be set to CMYK.
RGB is a colour space used to produce the colours you see on your screen. CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black) are the combination of inks used in the printing process to produce a similar result. Any files or images that are supplied in RGB are converted to generic CMYK values during pre-flight and can cause colour matching issues as there are RGB colour combinations that cannot be replicated using the CMYK process. Ensure your document colour profile is set to CMYK, to avoid any colour surprises.

We colour calibrate our presses regularly to minimise colour variation. However, due to the nature of printing and computer monitor settings, a reasonable variation in colour between proofs and the final product is to be expected. Depending on your requirement if colour or resolution is critical, please request a press check (may incur additional charges and increase turn-around time).
A rich black is a mixture of CMY (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow) over a solid black (K), while a standard black only consist of black ink (K). Each has its pros and cons and need to be used in certain conditions for a quality print.

For large areas of black, a rich black is the way to go to avoid inconsistencies and a washed out looking black. We recommend a more neutral black such as 25% Cyan, 25% Magenta, 25% Yellow, 100% Black.
For text or lines, use only 100% Black for a cleaner print. Using rich black is a recipe for disaster. In the printing process the four colours (CMYK) are ‘registered’ or aligned and printed one on top of the other. If the colours are slightly out of alignment, you get a ‘ghosting’ around the text with the end result not being as sharp as intended.
The two colours might look the same on the screen but they don’t look on paper. (TIP: On programs such as Illustrator or InDesign, you can change the ‘Appearance of Black’ in your preferences).

In any case, ensure total ink coverage is no more than 300% to prevent over saturation of ink, which prevents ink from drying properly and cause production delays.
It is best to avoid using borders, however if you must, we recommend a border at least 5mm around the edges (or 12mm for booklets).
Due to the nature of print, a trimming tolerance of +/- 2mm must be allowed for. e.g. If you design a border 3mm from every edge the end result may be 1mm on one side creating an unbalanced look.
To avoid font conflicts or issues during the printing process, please ensure fonts are outlined or supplied.
For best results, any black text should be on 100% K only, The use of rich black for text is generally OK but has some risks. For small text and line work use 100% black only.
We do not recommend fonts to be smaller than 6pt for legibility and print quality.
Ensure any lines/stroke are no thinner than 0.25pt
Double check your document or artboard size is the finished trim size, plus bleed.
Here are some standard document measurements below:
Business Cards
- Standard BC | 90mm x 55mm
- Square BC | 60mm x 60mm
- Slim BC | 60mm x 60mm
- DL | 99mm x 210mm
- A6 | 105mm x 148mm
- A5 | 148.5mm x 210mm
- A4 | 210mm x 297mm
- A3 | 297mm x 420mm
- A2 | 420mm x 594mm
- A1 | 594mm x 840mm
- A0 | 840mm x 1189mm
Special Finishes
If your product requires embellishments such as Spot UV, Metallic, etc. You will need to supply a seperate page with the elements in a spot colour. Visit our artwork templates page to download our setup guides for these premium finishes.
For products that require custom shapes or dielines – you must submit two seperate files. One file with the artwork including dielines and the second with the artwork only. The dieline must be set as a spot colour. You can download our pre-made dielines templates or setup guide at the artwork templates page.
Take care in ensuring any text/elements in white do NOT have any overprint settings applied.